Most goals begin with what we want to GET from life.
This brings opportunity to strive to achieve something.
1. They are so focused on the outcome that they are never happy until they get there.
2. They focus on what they need to do in order to achieve or get the thing that they are desiring.
3. They realize that the work is more than what their character can carry so they reestablish what their goals are, or decide to DO something different in order to get to their goal.
4. They never work on becoming the kind of person that does those things that inevitably will get those things or accomplish the goal.
The prize is in the work that we do to start becoming the kind of person that builds the dream.
If you don’t have the character in your heart first, and the the tasks have NOTHING to do with your identity, then you will strive in vain and you will reset those same goals every year hoping that life will give you something different.